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Hello Gorgeous fellow Manifestor! Great to have you here. I’ve created this page ESPECIALLY for you – as a Manifestor myself, I know how tough it can be on this ride. And as we decondition, allllllll the feelings can come up… And even when we know – and are learning to trust – our Authorities, we are Human and sometimes we can feel just plain old lost or alone. Well, I’m very pleased to say that I’m here to help you with that!

It’s time to embrace you – the magnificent, power house of you. and sometimes you just need a little dedicated care and attention from someone who gets it – a fellow manifestor with a gift for helping you to heal, decondition and navigate this life with autonomy and joy.

gorgeous Tarot services for Manifestors

The Bespoke Video Tarot Card Reading for Manifestors


I will ask you to complete a series of questions by email, so that I can understand your energy and requirements, then I will draw cards for you based on what you inform me. I will create a bespoke video for you, talking you through the cards I drawn for you and the message they have for you.  

The Face to Face Tarot Card Reading on Zoom for Manifestors


We will get together for a 60 minute zoom call session where we can talk in person and you can let me know your questions or challenges. I will then draw cards for you and will interpret the message with you whilst we’re together on the call. I will send you a copy of the video recording afterwards for you to refer back to as you wish. 

How booking in for your Manifestor Oracle Reading Works...

1. Choose which level of reading you would like – either a recorded video sent across to you, or an in person reading on Zoom.

2. Click on the button to purchase your reading.

3. Look out in your emails for a confirmation from Laura. You will either receive a set of questions (if you have booked in for the recorded video reading) or a link to Laura’s diary to choose your session date and time (if you have purchased a live session on Zoom).

Two easy ways for us to work together…

Let’s get you booked in for an oracle session which will help you to align with your epic manifestor traits with confidence and comfort


The Bespoke Manifestor Oracle Reading on Video

Inform me of your query and I will create you a bespoke video Oracle reading, sheding light on new aspects and angles for you to consider. This empowering video will encourage self relfection in order to establish a confident route forwards on your Manifestor Journey. Please note that I do not do any readings based on legal or medical based queries.


The Face to Face Manifestor Oracle Reading Session on Zoom

This face to face session feels like a n Oracle based spa session for the soul! Inform  Laura of your query or challenge, and experience an in depth reading, guiding you on your Manifestor journey and giving you inspiration and deep comfort and peace around how to move forward.